We believe that the Bible is the fully inspired Word of God and is totally without error.
We believe the Bible is our only source for our Christian faith and life.
We believe that there is only one God, He is the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe that all people are sinful from birth and sin every day in thought, word and deed; all people need forgiveness to be saved.
We believe that God loves all people and sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the Savior of all people in this world.
We believe that Jesus is the eternal Son of God who lived a perfect life and then died on the cross to pay for the sins of all people; on the third day He rose from the dead to prove that He conquered sin and death and earned God’s forgiveness for all people.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is sent by God to bring people to faith in Jesus through the hearing of the Gospel.
We believe that a person is saved only by the grace of God through faith in Jesus as their Savior.
We believe that Baptism is a sacrament by which God cleanses the hearts of children and adults alike from all sin. Baptism is God’s rite of initiation into the church.
We believe that Jesus gave the Lord’s Supper, or Holy Communion, as another sacrament to give us His holy body and blood for the forgiveness of sins. The Lord’s Supper is intended for believers to increase their faith in Jesus.
We believe that prayer is a believer’s direct line to heaven through Jesus. Through prayer, we can offer God our thanks and praise and seek His help and Blessings.
We believe that God’s Law or Ten Commandments shows us our sins and guides us in our Christian living.
We believe that the mission Jesus gave to His church on earth is to proclaim the saving love of God and seek to save all people for eternal life in heaven.
We believe that death is not the end for a Christian, but only a beginning of a new and better life in heaven.
We believe in a literal heaven and hell. Heaven is the home of God and Jesus and all believers in the life to come. Hell is the place of everlasting suffering and misery for the devil and all unbelievers.
The purpose of the elders is to foster the spiritual work and growth of the congregation. They assist the pastor in all phases of the spiritual work including cases of admonition and discipline. They are also responsible for maintaining good order in the worship services.
Scott Paschal, Chairman
Dave Klingenmeyer
Justin Klingenmeyer
Tim Lynch
Herb Huhnerkoch
Church Council*
The Church Counil is the day to day governing body of the congregation, consisting of the chairman, secretary, financial secretary, treasurer, and the elected chairmen from the Board of Elders and the various committees of the congregation. The Church Council oversees the operation of the congregation under the direction of the Voters' Assembly.
President: Paul Condon
Secretary: Scott Paschal
Treasurer: Jerry VonDeylen
Financial Secretary: Scott Paschal
Education Chair: Ryan Vlcko
Elder Chair: Scott Paschal
Buildings and Grounds: Jerry VonDeylen
Stewardship Chair: Gary Tryggestad
Evangelism: Glenn Lewis
Council-Committee Structure: The goal of the Education Committee is to fill God's people with His Word both before and during their congregational membership so that they will be better able to think, speak and live the Bible's truths in Christ's love. The education committee is also responsible for implementing our congregation's ministry plan to offer quality, yet affordable Christian educational to the Fort Myers community through our preschool and childcare program which began in 2006. The StewardshipCommittee works to guide the members of our congregation in developing a proper Biblical attitude in regards to the management of time, talents, and treasure. The purpose of the EvangelismCommittee is to inspire and educate all members to be true witnesses for Christ, by means of the Bible. The Buildings and Grounds Committee strives to continue beautifying and updating the current property and facilities to keep them in top condition and promote a worshipful atmosphere.